IOS 18 Thoughts

September 24, 2024

When IOS 17 came out, I was so very excited for focus modes and the customizable lock screen. I started to use them and was just disappointed how limited their capabilities were. I kept missing calls because of the focus modes. I couldn't get the configuration to be useful or reduce my screen time and a year or so later I have exactly 1 focus mode (DND).

Now with IOS 18 I have the same feeling: Sweet, I can customize more with the control center and my home screen. I'll finally make it how I want it. Except:

  • There is a bunch of white space above the dock (like a whole icon's worth) that is totally unusable.
  • The control center did get better, but some things are just still weird or cumbersome and I can't figure out how to make it better
  • WHY CAN'T I CENTER A WIDGET ON MY HOMESCREEN?! I just want the clock in the middle of the screen, I'm not an animal. I just hate asymetry.
  • Can the widgets please get some love too? Why is there no clock with the date? Why can't there be more touch points on the home screen? Trying to see the date on my homescreen should not require a giant widget or pull down the full lockscreen. Just allow me to use the lock screen's clock on my home screen, because you know... it includes the date.

Things that excite me:

  • Better reactions to texts!
  • RCS Support

Things that were still neglected and need work:

  • Volume control
  • Notifications